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No Deploy Fridays podcast with Freek Brinkhuis & Paul Ketelaars
They can build apps, widgets, Java actions, play FIFA, and in recent times also have become podcast hosts! Our colleagues …
My journey to becoming a Mendix developer and how you can too 
Mendix developers, there seems to be a chronic shortage of them. Each year Mendix does a survey with their customers …
No Deploy Fridays at CrowdStrike and the Mendix Marketplace update lifecycle
If you are reading this title and think CrowdStrike, don’t you mean that old-school shooter game everyone was playing in …
The Orange Force Labs becomes new official Mendix training partner
Certified Mendix partner, The Orange Force (TOF), branches out into the training sector as an official Mendix training partner with …
Why I am a Lazy UX Designer (And Why That’s a Good Thing) 
Being a lazy UX Designer might not sound like a great selling point, right? Well, in this blog post, I’ll …
Embracing Continuous Learning 
In today’s ever-evolving world, standing still is the equivalent of moving backward. This is especially true for those of us …
Generative AI & Learning Mendix: a blessing or a curse? 
Generative AI, GenAI, is quite probably one of the most impactful innovations of our generation. You see it pop up …
Microsoft PowerApps vs Mendix – Comparing Two of the Largest Low/No-Code Platforms
What happens when you let 8 experienced Mendix consultants build an app with Microsoft PowerApps, with a Star Wars theme?  …
A decade of Mendix – A trip down memory lane
A decade of Mendix: a trip down memory lane Once upon a time, a brave young soul started his professional …
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