Work faster and safer

Internet of Things

Make your assets smarter, work faster, and create new business models by combining technologies like Mendix and Internet of Things (IoT) sensors.

Internet of Things
Speed and flexibility of Mendix with data of smart IoT sensors

Obtain real-time insights into business processes.

Mendix, the award-winning Low-Code Application Development Platform (LCAP) combined with smart Internet of Things sensors.

Faster & smarter identification of assets.

Let your assets communicate with each other and proactively tell you what they need, where, and when instead of manually checking by your employees, which costs time and money.

Increase your employee satisfaction.

Onboarding new employees more efficiently in less time. This increases employee satisfaction as they have to deal with fewer administrative tasks and allows onboarding to be more efficient.

Deployable in various processes, and sectors.

Well-known examples: Almost everything containing ‘Smart’ in its name: cars, speakers, household appliances, speech assistants, security systems, smart watches, energy meters, garbage disposals, etc.

Use real-time data to make business decisions.

Get real-time and historical data regarding asset GPS location, status, and temperature and create new business models, i.e. Digital Twin, Predictive Maintenance, Product-as-a-Service, etc.

“63% of enterprises expect they will achieve financial payback in 3 years for their IoT projects.”

Gartner Research

How can you add business value with IoT?

There are many cases in which IoT has proven to be a useful solution that adds business value. Here are some examples of sectors and the value IoT adds.

Internet of Things

General Application

  • Remote Monitoring
    Save time and travel costs by having your asset communicate its status with you instead of having to send an employee to check up on it.
  • Products-as-a-Service
    Proactively monitor your assets and service/replace them, upgrade them over the air (OTA), and build new business models and revenue streams.
  • If This, Then That-style automation
    Automatically create tasks and notifications for both your human workforce as well as your ERP/CRM system.
  • Collect and prepare datasets for AI/ML
    Send collections of data points to your data lake/data warehouse to train AI/ML models, detect patterns, and understand interdependencies.
Internet of Things


  • Realtime performance optimization
    Monitor your shop floor, production process. and its components to collect operational and performance data anywhere and at any time.
  • Product development and R&D
    Develop new products based on real usage data, with offerings that adapt to end-user needs. Create Digital Twins and link them to your PLM, BIM, ERP, and CRM systems.
  • OT / IT for the future
    Companies can push software, firmware, and other updates remotely.
  • Energy Management
    Understand, optimize, and manage energy use of your machines & production lines and reduce consumption & costs.
Internet of Things


  • Customer engagement 3.0
    Increases sales and boosts customer loyalty by providing real-time personalized communication through targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Speed up in-shop decision-making
    In-store navigation with smart IoT devices using Bluetooth, Wifi, RFID, AR, sensor-enabled shopping carts.
  • Optimize store operations
    Use non-intrusive IoT sensors to measure occupancy, shelf space usage, real-time stock replenishment, staff allocation, etc. for cost optimization.
Internet of Things


  • Fully transparent logistics chain
    Track assets through the business processes. Monitor temperature, humidity, G-forces in real-time to ensure perfect delivery.
  • Enable autonomous vehicles and drones
    Increase speed and efficiency by using smart, IoT-powered drones and autonomous vehicles in your warehouses and delivery routes.
  • Smart Warehouse Management
    Automatically update current inventory, ERP/CRM data, space utilization etc. in your smart warehouses, logistic centers, and distribution centers.

How our team helps you implement IoT

Our experts are ready to help you use Internet of Things on your digital transformation journey.

Develop IoT-powered enterprise applications

We can build your B2C and B2B applications for desktop/tablet/mobile, or even create your own IoT-powered Software as a Service.

Advise you on your digital transformation journey

We help you by scanning your current business process, identifying opportunities, and offering advice on how to implement hardware and software to achieve your business goals.

Help you connect your OT and IT using smart IoT-sensors

We help you make your shop floor and production processes smarter by connecting machines and assets to IoT-sensors. After this, we make that data actionable.

work faster and safer!

Looking for more IoT use cases or advice on how to implement IoT into your business?

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